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Why Homeschool?


There are many reasons why parents choose to home educate their children and the reasons can be as varied as each family.  Here are a few reasons research shows parents home educate.  (Source: Education Otherwise)


  • Children's ill health

  • Unhappiness

  • Loss of 'childhood'

  • Bullying

  • Poor academic achievement despite intelligence

  • Lack of support for the learner's needs

  • Lack of respect for children, their personalities and gifts

  • Increasing stress of testing and attainment targets

  • Poor interaction with others in school - both children and teachers alike

  • Narrowing of the curriculum

  • Intense pressure

  • Unreasonable expectation put upon children and teenagers



We asked a few parents their reasons for choosing to home educate and here are some of their responses:

I want my child to be prepared for eternity and I believe that the Lord wants parents to educate their children.

Ekaterina, Hemel Hempstead

As a primary school teacher working in the state system, I saw how rife with bad influences the system is and how poorly it caters for most children. Poor attitudes and behaviour and bad influences are too great and control over content is too limited. It is not a preferred environment to educate true Adventist children.

Caroline, Wiltshire

I really want to homeschool because I am fully persuaded that this is God's ideal education for Christian families. I want my children and I to be in heaven together.

Ruby, Bedfordshire

I wish for my girls to have a more balanced and principle based education. I want them to enjoy learning things and share with others too as they grow.

Juddian, Harlow

We've decided to homeschool our daughter in order to foster and nurture a Christlike character. To develop her spirituality and for her to have a true education amidst this postmodern generation.

Michelle, London

I want to have positive influence and control what my daughter learns. As well as spiritual principles.

Antonia, Melbourne, UK

I want my children to have a well rounded education. One that takes in consideration their needs, strengths and weaknesses and adapts as necessary.

Kasandra, Oxford

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