About The Event:
Due to time constraints at the SDA Home Education Association Concention 2019, we were not able to cover the "Self Employment, Business & Work From Home Opportunities for Home Educators' Seminar by Joseph Cudjoe. Brother Joseph promised to send the slides to attendees, but has now gone one better by running an extended online session/webinar for those interested on Sunday 24 November 2019 from 7:30pm - 9:00pm. (Only 100 places available).
This online webinar will give you an insight into what to consider when thinking about setting up any type of business, whether it be a small start up, a work from home opportunity, self-employment or a self supporting ministry.
"There is no branch of legitimate business for which the Bible does not afford an essential preparation. It's principles of diligence, honesty, thrift, temperance and purity are the secret of true success."
What To Expect:
> What is the purpose of a Christian business?
> How do you ensure it operates according to God's pattern?
> Types of business and how to get started.
> Business & Ministry for the end time.
> Live Q&A
About The Speaker:
Joseph Cudjoe With a passion for Education, Enterprise & Evangelism, Joseph desires to see Christians rise up and take their rightful and God ordained positions in advancing the Kingdom of God.
He is a Christian, Business Consultant, Executive Coach & Certified Money Coach.